MAROC is a non-profit organization based in the state of New Jersey that strives to provide administrative assistance and recreational services to the Moroccan American community within the New York - New Jersey area.
Our site started with just the intent to come up with a brand worthy of the organization. It started with a few icons, fonts, images....until something so simple and yet so creatively powerful finally conveyed what MAROC was about: BRIDGING CULTURES and BUILDING COMMUNITIES.
MAROC as an organization is about our rich heritage, our imminent settlement in a place not so far away from our own, which we eventually learned to adapt to and come together as a people; a blend of two cultures and two distinct lands.
This site is dedicated to all of us who still pine for our identity as Moroccans and yet by virtue of our jobs, families and other personal and public compelling reasons, we became adept in this unique mix of things. This wonderful organization is our statement to that transformation.
So feel free to explore our site and share your passion about who we really are - here at MAROC. This is your site as much as ours!
To build and sustain a strong network of Moroccan American families and professionals.
To make top US Universities accessible for Moroccan prospective students and new comers.
To address the constantly changing needs of the Moroccan American community.
To help new comers integrate into the American society.
To keep on fostering strong community ties between members through social, cultural and political initiatives.
To maintain and sustain the vibrancy and positive networks within our community through institution of constant open communications.
To expand and maintain the membership base by enabling and tapping resources aimed at generating funds and provide stability to the organization.